I see you crying at the kitchen sink
I see you wondering where your career has gone
I see you asking yourself how you are going to pay bills
I see you shouting at your children
I see you endlessly cleaning up
I see you trying to homeschool while a younger sibling does headstands on the table
I see you worrying about screen time
I see you getting tired of cooking yet another meal
I see you searching for the right words when people ask how you are
I see you comforting a crying baby
I see you struggling with loss of identity
I see you worrying about your family’s health
I see you laughing as your children play in the paddling pool
I see you smiling as some school work actually gets done
I see you showing them how to bake
I see you steadying the wobbly child on a bike
I see you making pavement art and music
I see you reading so many stories
I see you hugging and kissing a poorly knee
I see you teaching them how to share
I see you reminding them to look out for cars
I see you wishing the world was a better place
I see you doing your absolute best
In every one of the things I see
Photo credit: Sharon McCutcheon